Sunday 21 April 2013

Pro:voke Touch of Silver Twice a Week Brightening Shampoo&Intensive Treatment Conditioner *Review*

Ok, so for the past 3 or 4 weeks I've been slowly bleaching black hair dye out of my hair trying not to damage it by bleaching loads. I tried doing that a few years ago (will I ever learn to stop dying my hair black :p) and I ended up with a frazzled mess that I had to get cut very VERY short. So I have been living with what I can only describe as a orange, yellow and platinum mess :). The good thing is that it's not in terrible condition but will need a trim for sure. Anyways so I went to boots searching for something that would calm and tone down the yellow&orange. And I came across this stuff:

So I decided to give it a go. Now baring it mind my hair is at least 3 different shades right now it was pretty damn good. I mean it didn't help with the orange at all but I didn't really expect it to but it certainly toned down the yellow and turned the lightest of the yellow platinum! So it definitely does what it says but it also isn't a miracle provider so don't expect really orangy/yellowy tones to disappear, sorry guys :). But for yellowy blonde hair this works a treat!

I have 1 more bleaching session to go before I'm getting a hair revamp :) I'm pretty excited and I hope the image I have in my head translates well to my actual hair :D eeek!


  1. Hello! I'm delighted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Liebster Award!

    Visit the link to find out what you have to do.

    Paula Piranha

  2. Wow thanks Hun! I will check that out now! xo


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