Thursday 4 July 2013

Leibster Blog Award!

Hey guys!

I have just been nominated for the Leibster awards by the gorgeous Paula Piranha! Thanks again!


The Rules:
You must link the person who nominated you.
You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee.
You must pick 10 bloggers with under 200 followers to be nominated for the award.
You must come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees.

Here are my answers to Paula Piranha's questions.

1. The best and worst foundation you have ever used and why?

The best foundation I have used so far has got to be Maybelline dream satin, it gives a nice even finish and its easy on the purse too!
The worst...I can't say I have come across a really bad foundation. Natural collection foundation smells awful though!

2. What is your favourite nail polish brand and why?

I would have to say Barry M. They are always coming up with innovative ideas and have really made nails more popular! They are also very high quality but also quite reasonably priced.

3. Are you a drug store girl or high end?

Not ashamed to say it, I'm more of a drug store brand girl! But I do very occasionally treat myself to more high end stuff. You have to really don't you ;).

4. What is your favourite cosmetic brand and why?

Right now, it's Urban Decay. I love love love it! I don't get to buy it very often because it is very expensive but when I do get to buy some I'm like a kid at Christmas! :). The eyeshadow primer is amazing and after using it, I'll never go back! And the eyeshadows are beautiful! The colours, the way they blend - everything! If you're like me and can't afford the high end stuff I recommend you invest in an urban decay palette, it will keep you happy for a very long time! :)

5. How many blog posts, do you post a week?

Not as often as I should do!

6. Who is your favourite beauty you tuber/guru and why?

I have always admired Kandee Johnson. She started off making these awesome little beauty tip videos and now she's interviewing Simon Cowell and travelling the world! Yet she remains really humble and sweet!

7. The best and worst thing about blogging and why?

The best thing is that it's your own little space where you can be yourself and write whatever you want and if you're lucky enough people like to be part of that little space! The worst...not reaching anyone!

8. Which beauty regime do you find to be a chore and why?

All of them! Haha um I would have to say dying my hair. It's such a long process and it damages my hair so I have to do conditioning treatments etc. So yes dying my hair is definitely a chore!

9. If you could work for one cosmetic brand, which would you choose and why?

Again Urban Decay, freebies, staff discount yes please! Haha no it would be amazing to work for a brand you really admire and be part of helping it continue to thrive.

10. What is your favourite shade of lipstick?

I don't really wear lipstick, but the last one I did use was Barry M - sunset and it was very nice. An amazing bright red colour, very poppin'!

My nominee's are -

Lydia at Cut Throat Beauty

Emma at The Pro Make-Up Blog

Boots at Sincerely, Boots

Selby at Selby's beauty blog

Mali at Maliberry Make Up

Hailey at Hailey's Beauty World

Gemma at Miss Make Up Magpie

Nicola at Strawberry Skulls Illustration

Mia at Teenage Beauty Blogger

Krystel at Krystel Couture

My questions for the nominees are :

1. What is the one beauty product you can't live without?

2. How long on average does it take do your make up for the day/night?

3. Favourite song of all time?

4. Which celebrity has the best style?

5. What is your favourite eyeshadow?

6. If you could choose to have either the perfect hair style or perfect make up for the day/night which would you choose?

7. Who inspires your "look"?

8. What was your latest beauty bargain?

9. Fake tan...yes or no?

10. The best place on earth is where?


  1. Awwww thanks honey!, I will do this when I am not so snowed under with job hunting and reviews and interviews and a new boyfriend! July is most certainly the most craziest month so far xo

  2. Oouu sounds like a busy but awesome month! Enjoy it! xo

  3. **Drooling** Urban Decay is my favorite makeup brand!

    Thanks so much for the sweet comment on my blog too. :)


Feel free to leave a comment/some love/a question. I'll get back to you as soon as possible! Until then keep rockin' on!