Friday 19 April 2013

Eyebrow Threading - What's the hype?

So...I get a lot of people asking me about my eyebrows. And when I tell them I get my eyebrows threaded I get a lot of "what's that?" or "oh, I couldn't do that, it looks too painful". But I always tell them it's so worth getting done.

Threading if you didn't know is -

"When a thin cotton thread specially designed for threading is doubled, then twisted. It is then rolled over areas of unwanted hair, plucking the hair at the follicle level. Unlike tweezing, where single hairs are pulled out one at a time, threading can remove short lines of hair." (Source:wikipedia)

Sound painful? Well I've been having my eyebrows threaded now for about 7 years and I must say it doesn't hurt at all anymore. I remember the first couple of sessions it was quite painful and my eyes watered lots but now no watery eyes and no wanting to jump off the chair and do a runner :). Also it depends on who does it, go to a professional and you'll be fine.

Eyebrow threading is particularly useful for people with fair hair like myself. I get lots of little white/blonde eyebrow hairs under and around my eyebrows and even in the right light I miss them and they are hard to grab with the tweezers. With threading you're guaranteed that they can get every last hair for an awesome smooth finish, the perfect base for rockin' some awesome eyeshadow.

Another plus is that it is really cheap to get it done depending on where you live. In most cities I've visited I've seen it advertised for under £3. I personally used to pay £2 in London, but since I've moved to Leicester it costs me £2.50. That's a bargain and a great investment in yourself :). And it's not something that needs to be done once a week either. I usually get mine done once a month and I just use tweezers in the month to pluck away strays :).

It might sound silly but getting my eyebrows threaded really lifts my mood and makes me feel more confident with my face. Don't underestimate the power of your eyebrows, they totally frame your face and can actually transform your look.

Look at this before and after picture

So suck it up and take the plunge. No pain, no gain right? :)

Kylie xo

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