Monday 12 August 2013

I've been going sew crazy!

So, recently I've been getting to grips with a sewing machine again and it's been AMAZING! I love being behind a sewing machine being able to create something that I can call my own, and being able to say "Hell yea I made that!" :).

It all started off about 10-11 years ago give or take a year when I used to visit my nan and she would have me sitting there practicing some knitting, she even tried to get me to crochet but I've definitely not grasped that yet!. Anyways I then started to get bored of knitting, I wanted to get down and dirty with a sewing machine ;). You see my nan is a seamstress and designs and makes costumes for shows, wedding dresses, christening gowns, you name it, she makes it. So you can see that knitting a scarf compared to making an awesome outfit on a sewing machine is no contest :). So she used to give me little tasks to do on a little sewing machine even though I wanted to use the big loud industrial one she had in her work room! :)

Ever since then I've used the sewing machine on and off but recently I've really got into and I'm loving it! I'm having to borrow a sewing machine at the moment and it's really not the best one but I've made a few basic pieces on it and everyday I'm trying to think of what else to make :). I love redesigning band shirts and its so handy on a sewing machine! And Alex has been whining on about me making him some stage clothing, which I'm really excited about but at the same time I find it stressful/nerve wracking making things for other people. Because I know what I like and what I have in my head so making something for myself is fine but making something for someone else just sends me a lil bit cray cray :). But I'm sure ill get over that once I gain more confidence with the sewing machine.

Here's what I've made with the borrowed sewing machine so far -

Nappy/baby wipes bag (not perfect by any means but I'm happy with how it came out considering I'm no pro and this was the first "pattern", even though it was tweaked slightly :).

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Bean bag (I didn't follow any pattern for this, just looked online for an idea of what to do and some inspiration but yeah I totally freestyled it and it came out ok for a first attempt :)

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So yeah, I can't wait to become a total pro on the sewing machine. The only thing holding me back really is the price of fabric. It's so damn expensive! The material I used for the above items was quite reasonably priced, it was about £1.80 a yard. But that was in Essex, here in Leicester the same material is £4.00 a metre say whaaaaat? And on Leicester market they have such awesome material but it's like £6.00 a metre, which makes it cheaper just to go and buy something similar from the shops. I know it doesn't come with that satisfaction of making it yourself but damn it's also not giving me that satisfaction that I'm saving money either like it used to do when fabric was way cheaper. Hmmm I guess I'll just have to shop around, but it is really frustrating when you have all these ideas and creativity whirling around but you need to spend a butt load of money to get the fabric :(.

Oh well, I still have some really awesome skull materials I picked up in Essex that need to be made into something awesome :) so back to the drawing board I go! :D

Kylie xo


  1. Super cute stuff girl! Well done for just getting back into sewing.

    I hear you on the price of fabric too. :( I hate it. It's almost cheaper to buy store bought clothing anymore. My problem is I hate wearing what everyone else has. lol. I buy a lot of my fabric online. I find some pretty good deals there.

    I get idea crazed too. I freaking lay awake at night with ideas just running around in my head. I've started keeping a journal of all my ideas so that I can keep track of them. It's worked out well. :)

    Can't wait to see what else you make!

    1. Awww thanks Hun!
      I guess it comes at a price to be awesome and unique :)
      Haha but seriously I will check out some online retailers, there's gotta be someone selling at a reasonable price!

    2. Oh and the journal is deffo a good idea! I used to have a cork board in my room with post it notes beside it and whenever I had an idea I'd rush over to it and draw what was in my head so I wouldn't forget :D haha

  2. Yay! Post pictures of the jars if you make them! I want to seeeeee! :)


Feel free to leave a comment/some love/a question. I'll get back to you as soon as possible! Until then keep rockin' on!